Patient Volunteers
Patient volunteers serve as members of the care team by sharing skills and interests in a manner that provides comfort and enriches the quality of life for those served.
We embrace virtual training and will hold Zoom Video Conferencing training and orientation monthly. Patient Volunteers provide companionship and emotional support to hospice patients and families. Like a friendly neighbor, Patient Volunteers may help with practical tasks like running errands, light meal preparation, and other tasks.

Our Patient Volunteer Opportunities
Homecare Volunteer
Our homecare volunteers provide much-needed support for family caregivers. Activities may include visiting with the patient or family member, reading to the patient, doing light household chores and sitting with the patient while the caregiver runs an errand or takes a nap. A commitment of one to two hours per week is required. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.
Living with Dementia Volunteer
Wings of Hope patient volunteers can get additional training to become part of Wings of Hope’s Living with Dementia program. This program helps families who are struggling with their loved one’s dementia diagnosis. Trainings, which total about 10 hours, are held twice per year.
Grief Support Volunteer
Our grief support volunteers work closely with grief counselors and serve our patients in many ways. They offer grief support in person, over the phone or through in-home visitation. Volunteers also co-facilitate adult and child bereavement support groups, classes and workshops. They remain in contact with patients by telephone. Volunteers are trained to meet the emotional support needs of people grieving a loss. Trainings are offered throughout the year.
Cosmetologists, massage therapists, Reiki, healing touch. If you have a specialty, we can put it to use for our patients. There is no required time commitment, though we prefer one to two hours a week.
Take Flight Volunteer
Take Flight volunteers offer a calm presence at the bedside of someone during their active dying process. Training is provided to learn to be a Take Flight volunteer. You must be at least 18 years old and commit to four-hour shifts.
For more information, please call Volunteer Services at (210) 908-9774​